Sunday, July 30, 2006

VIP arrives

woohoo...1st post of the yr...damn im honoured?...let me hear it frm u....come on everybody....DAMN honoured...yeah...rem tt....

anihow...sumthing to tink abt for a start...take the new 2 dollar note...flip it u see a little boy raising up his hand...i repeat..its a boy...its super crucial....A u noe..raising his hand...wanting to ask the teacher a question...weiming diao jin long guo...chou si le
so if u cant find it...feel free to ask me abt wud be betta in person...alternatively..u can approach yuyuan...she will be glad to help...

im pretty amazed how u all kept the blog a secret for so long...u noe like...until now tt i found out!...i must admit u all r damn goot?...yeah sae it out loud in front of ur computer...i guess someone tot someone wud inform me...and it just happens that everyone tink like tt someone...haha
on a serious note..i hav been the sorry ppl...i lost all of u...looking at the pics u all sad im not part of it...u noe this pic with all the guys?...the big five?...haha...yeah...cud hav been no back now...pls ask me along next time when u all hav sumthing planned...dun wait for tt someone...y dun U be that special one to inform me...hahha...

i hope this post will shock all of u....haha...lets hope someone will tell weihiong or shawn abt this blog..hahha

will U be the special one?



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