Sunday, January 23, 2005


Just to start the ball rolling, i realised on average, we have about 1- 2 gatherings per year.
That is definitely not bad but of cos, nothing should stop us from increasing the frequency.
Though it seems hard to keep the fire burning, i guess its not too hard to keep one or 2 days in 365 days free for OLD frens right....

The conclusion is : Have the heart(sim1) la..aiyozzz

Seriously, i dunno how to link picture to a post as yet..I m very suaku..sorrie... So pls look at the picture below hor...

Realise your dream...Dare to dream!! This is a very meaningful picture(at least to me..)

"I have a dream...." (sounds familiar????!). Maybe down the lane for the next 20 years, we can still keep in contact with each other...and maybe make our sons and daugthers primary school frens also...Hee...So lets put in the collective effort k!



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